Monday, January 21, 2008

Tag. I'm it.

So because I have been tagged, it follows that I must produce something tag worthy. I don't feel up to this gigantic task, but I will attempt to produce some 6 or 7 things that most people don't know about me.

1. I collected black and white postcards while I was on my mission in Geneva Switzerland. Most of them were of couples kissing (I don't know why because I wasn't particularly missing this). My favorite was one of an older lady dressed up like a queen and feeding chickens.

2. I wrote a short story when I lived in Ohio about this woman called "Queen of the Chickens." I never finished the story, because she stopped talking to me. It could be that she was upset that she died fairly early in the story. It could also be that I lost quite a bit of my soul, hope and creative desire during this time. I hope to one day finish this story. She bugs me about it every once in awhile. But all she says is "The story's not done." She doesn't tell me what happens next.

3. I told someone once that he has a reputation for not forgiving others. I have regretted this because I have since realized I have this same propensity. I try very hard to forgive and move on, but I don't. If you severely hurt me or mine, I don't forgive. I also realize this does not hurt the person I'm not forgiving. I hope one day to learn how to completely forgive someone even when they continue to be an ass. I hope when I do learn, I can teach others how to do the same.

4. I sometimes say ass. And various other benign swear words. Most of the time, I don't care unless I slip around my kids.

5. I love words that most people have heard before but don't know the meaning of and I like to use them frequently. I download them quite often to my notebook so I can remember them later. And by download, I mean write. My favorite word of the moment is esoteric.

6. I love this picture of me:

7. I love Tom Lehrer and I love to play Masochism Tango on the piano.

Oh and I love Viggo Mortensen. But I don't think that's a unknown fact to most people.

I tag Tiffany and Brandon.