Thursday, May 28, 2009

Xander is a future comic

The kids and I went over to Almond's house a few weeks ago to have dinner with her and her parents. She had made steaks for the adults and hot dogs for the kids. Xander of course made a mess of the catsup and it was all over his face and hands and shirt.

I turned to him and asked him to wipe a few layers of gross off of his face. I said "Let's don't act like you guys were born in a barn."

Xander thought about this for a brief moment then said "You mean like Jesus was?"

Touche Xander. Touche.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Things that do not make you a bad parent

1. Having a (just turned) 5 year old that can't write much more than his/her own name.
2. Having children share a bedroom (especially if they're under the age of 10).
3. Having these children take a bath together (still under the age of 10).
4. Letting your 5 year old watch t.v. (mostly education movies) or play on the computer (again, going to educational sites) or play on his/her DS without doing a ton of homework or chores first.
5. Moving again - because you are renting the house you're in and you want to buy a house instead.

Unfortunately, there are some people in the world (usually those who do not have children residing with them) who believe that this does make you a bad parent.

Let me point out some things that do make you a bad parent:

1. Abusing your children.
2. Not providing adequately for your children or putting your wants above their needs.
3. Being a lush or an addict.
4. Ignoring the kids.
5. Not doing whatever it takes to make sure that they are getting all they need (and maybe some of what they want).

I'm a damn good parent. (I don't say that out loud in front of the kids - that's cause I'm a damn good parent.) :)