Monday, April 25, 2011

Things I'm Grateful For

1. I have two amazing and incredibly smart kids whom I adore and who adore me.
2. I have the gospel in my life that helps me become a better person every day.
3. I have a loving Heavenly Father who loves me despite my shortcomings and who takes care of me constantly and who has provided everything on this list.
4. I'm able to provide for my son, my daughter, my mom and myself all by myself.
5. I have fantastic people that I work with who are a second family to me.
6. Every single member of my family is wonderful and we love each other dearly.
7. I get along really well with and love dearly my kids' paternal grandparents and aunts and uncles.
8. I have so many good friends that I love and who love me (and who give me tough love lectures when I need it).
9. I live in a beautiful state that has so many things to do and see in it.
10. I have a wonderful home in a great neighborhood and ward.
11. I have a fantastic job that I love.
12. I'm a strong person who is able to carry-on even when times get tough.
13. I have beautiful mountains surrounding me that give me a place de-stress and put my priorities back in line.
14. My kids and I have everything we need and quite a bit of what we want.
15. Soft fuzzy cats that curl up with me at night.
16. Rain on a lazy morning.
17. The opportunities I've had to live and visit different countries.
18. Extended family who've all been strong in the gospel and have given me wonderful examples to live up to.
19. A soft bed to sleep on, a roof over my head, food in my stomach and clothes to wear.
20. I live in Utah next to the people I love the most!