Thursday, May 8, 2008

Enjoy some pessimism won't you?

I really wish I could work for this company. Their demotivators crack me up and so many of them seem applicable to certain people in my life.

I would encourage you greatly to view these lovely choices as well:
A personal motto
This applied to one of my previous jobs
For the idiots who chase dreams instead of actually taking care of their responsibilities
And this one applies to them too

So when I'm feeling a little depressed and need to laugh at myself (and others) this site working wonders for me. I really need to order one of everything they have.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Don't Dranght in the Jeck!

Do you guys ever go out to If you don't, you're missing out.

A few favorites:

Internet instructions
battery warning

Warning - Much words on confusing the other people are.