Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Are People Insane? (Or is it just me?)

So, I have a bad habit in my life of running into a lot of people that to me are just insane. I usually don't find this out until I've spent a good amount of time with them. You'd think I would have figured out that they are insane when I first meet them, but I've found that insane does not necessarily mean stupid. Insane people are ingenious at some things. Like acting normal when they first meet you for instance. This has caused some issues in my life because I have a hard time getting these people to leave my life once they are in it.

For instance - At least two of my best friends in high school I would now consider insane. One treated me like dirt if there was anyone else around that she wanted to impress. Most of the time, these people she was trying to impress were idiots themselves. Now, best friends shouldn't be taken lightly in my opinion, so how insane is it to treat the one person in your life that not only puts up with you, but actually chooses to hang around you, like crap? I was asked recently by a mutual friend to let bygones be bygones (I had finally had enough of her behavior and let the friendship end after she decided to have yet another tizzy fit about nothing) and to get together again. As I have had more than my share of drama the last few years, this is exactly the thing I do not want to do. I tactfully said to the mutual friend that while I wish her the best in her life now (as my ex-best friend and I have not seen each other in about 15 years), I really do not wish to bring more insanity into my life. I've got a full tank of insanity that's been handed to me over the past few years thank you very much.

There are more examples, but they have basically the same behavior pattern. Insane people treat other people that are obviously not nice or faithful or emotionally smart as though they were the coolest or most wonderful and best people in the world, while ignoring or hurting or insulting or cheating or stepping on people who were actually good friends, lovers or companions (or at the very least would have been if they had been treated better). And I'm not just talking about this being done to me. I see this insanity happen to a lot of very good and nice people.

So its my new motto in life. No more new insane people in my life. If you are just getting to know me and you know that you are certifiably insane, please go away. If you are already in my life and you are insane, you are welcome to leave as well.

I'm not insane. I believe that if you treat me well, I should treat you well also. It doesn't matter what religion, ethnicity, sex, or sexual orientation you are. If you are nice, I will be nice back. If you are insane, I will tell you to go away. Find another insane person who will treat you like dirt. You'll like that. It will be better for everyone in the end. Well, at least it will for all the sane people.

Oh by the way - crazy is not the same as insane. I like crazy people. As long as they're not insane.


  1. Wow - you suddenly have one million posts in the blink of an eye! I am currently impressed.

    I sooooo get what you're saying here. I've had to cut someone that is completely insane out of my life because of all the mental and emotional trauma they cause me. It's awkward to have to do that, and makes ME seem like a big fat jerk, but it's so necessary! Why should I be miserable? I'm not a masochist. No more catering to the insane!

  2. Seriously. I believe in forgiving and forgetting, but I don't believe in letting someone repeatedly treat me like crap and me hanging around to get more of it. Dude, I forgive you, but go figure out your stuff on your own. I don't want it anymore.

    By the way, I cheated. I took several posts from my myspace and put them up here for non-myspace users to read. I'm not THAT good. :o)

  3. My run-ins with crazy people are short-lived, fortunately, as you will remember from my previous blog post. I met a lot of insane people on my mission. One guy ran out into a rainstorm and began bathing in the ditchwater which was significant. When he used his shoe to scoop up some of the muddy water and pour it into his mouth to swish around and "clean" his teeth I was profoundly impressed with his lack of sanity.
